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+961 81 745 159

Azzanoieh main road

    Frequently Asked Question!

    buy seeds and plants online

    Heirloom seeds are non-hybrid, open-pollinated, and non-GMO seeds that have been passed down through generations. They are vital for preserving genetic diversity, maintaining traditional crop varieties, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

    Heirloom seeds are open-pollinated, meaning they can be saved and replanted year after year, maintaining their unique characteristics. In contrast, hybrid seeds are the result of cross-breeding different varieties and do not produce offspring with the same traits as the parent plant.

    Preserving Lebanon’s native heirloom seeds is crucial for safeguarding the country’s agricultural heritage. These seeds are adapted to local growing conditions, offer unique flavors, and are often resistant to pests and diseases, making them invaluable for future generations.

    Gharset Kheir promotes sustainable agriculture by cultivating non-hybrid, open-pollinated, and non-GMO heirloom seeds. We also advocate for organic farming practices, water conservation, and soil health to protect the environment and ensure long-term agricultural viability.
    Yes! We welcome all individuals, farmers, and organizations interested in preserving Lebanon’s agricultural heritage to purchase seeds from Gharset Kheir. Our seeds are carefully selected, grown, and packaged with care to ensure the highest quality.
    There are several ways to get involved with Gharset Kheir’s mission! You can support us by purchasing seeds, volunteering at our farm, attending educational workshops, or simply spreading the word about the importance of heirloom seeds and sustainable agriculture.

    Preserving Lebanon’s Heritage | One Seed at a Time!

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